No, in that this handbook is only intended to give you a detailed We invite you to give the worksheet a go and then email this to us understanding of Pardot scoring and grading and some actionable to review for free: processes to follow. It helps you to do the work, but it doesn’t do the work for you! Send your In our experience, stretched marketing teams need to know as much completed worksheet to: as possible about scoring, grading, and how to use these well. [email protected] In reality, though, they probably won’t have the capacity to run these independently, which is where MarCloud can offer personalised support. In the meantime, we hope this Marketer’s Handbook to Pardot Scoring & Grading helps to demystify the topic and gives you a At the end of this handbook, you’ll find a link to our ‘Pardot Scoring few ‘aha!’ moments about the ways your business can use scoring & Grading Worksheet’ which is the next step to getting started. and grading. Read on… PARDOT 4