For this reason, we: The Payoff • Created two lists per type; one for ‘Previous Service’ data and • Our robust grading model is now in place so that Bradford the other for ‘Active Service’ data. Jacobs can clearly see who the highest-quality prospects are. • Created three profiles that are aligned with the personas of the • Successfully tracking prospect activity and interaction with audience and so Bradford Jacobs could clearly see who the campaigns, website and assets which means prospects are prospects are in the personas. scored correctly based on interactions. • Used appropriate Salesforce and Pardot fields in order to see • Bradford Jacobs now has a much clearer database that is the product of interest, industry etc. segmented to utilise when sending tailored content. • Built different qualifying criteria depending on the profile in order to create grading increments for each profile. • Utilised automation rules based on prospect field values in order to increase or decrease by 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3 depending on ideal customer. • Set up Scoring Categories in order to highlight key areas of interest, incorporating a process for automated scoring degradation for a more accurate scoring model. • Created a List of ‘never active/no activity in last 6 months’ prospects so that we could analyse and eventually move to the Recycle Bin. 28