Real world examples To help you fully understand how custom grading and scoring models have worked for other businesses, here are a couple of real world scenarios from clients of ours. Bradford Jacobs The main marketing goal for Bradford Jacobs was to segment their database in order to see which type of enquiries were: Segmentation, scoring and grading in order to • Unsubscribed clean current data • Never-active Bradford Jacobs is a leading professional employer organisation • Had not engaged within the last 6 months • Had limited information (e.g. no type of enquirer) (PEO) and Payroll Outsourcing firm in Europe. Like many businesses with a large pool of data they need to clearly By doing this, Bradford Jacobs could remove all the inadequate see, in real-time, who their Contractors, End clients and Recruiters are. data and focus their marketing initiatives on a highly engaged audience. After reviewing their Pardot account, MarCloud implemented three We set to work segmenting the database in order to meet these Grading Profiles, introduced Scoring Categories and a robust goals. scoring strategy. Campaign goals and objectives Keys to success The campaign goals were to: We created Dynamic Lists using the prospect Custom field ‘Type of Enquirer’ and prospect Account field ‘Type’. • Utilise gated content in order to gather additional information on prospects. In order to ensure we incorporated how engaged these prospects • Use this information to grade prospects effectively based on were in our grading system, we further segmented the database the three ideal customer types. to see who currently has a service active and who previously paid • Ensure prospects are synced to Salesforce only when the for a service. scoring threshold is met. 27