9 There are four potential ways you can segment your prospects: Lists, Automation Rules, Tags, and Profiles (Scoring and Grading). 1 Lists For this method of segmentation, you can use either static lists, which are updated manually and generally only used once or twice, or dynamic lists, which are rule-based lists that will update automatically. 2 Automation Rules Automation Rules are based on predetermined criteria used to create static lists. However, it’s important to remember that these are different to Segmentation Rules, you can add or remove prospects from an existing list at the one time. 3 Tags Besides being useful for organising campaigns and assets, you can apply Tags to prospects once they have completed particular actions, creating a more targeted list of prospects based on different actions. 4 Profiles Last but not least, is Profiles. Profiles are created by Scoring and Grading your prospect, and each prospect can be scored and graded to determine their quality as a lead. For more information on segmentation, check out our Complete Guide to Pardot Segmentation blog.